Monthly Archives: October 2011



Hello there, how’s everyone doing? Time for me to do a bit of reflection.

November is just around the corner and it’s getting to that time of year when I do a lot of reminiscing. In this intersection of seasons and nearing another year of life, I think to how fast things have and are changing. Cue sparkly, flashback melody.

6 years ago (holy crap, already 6?) I was sitting in my parents’ car in a parking lot on campus in Davis, California. A frightened incoming freshman, I had the most difficult time getting up and going back to my dorm. My seat was glued to the car seat. I knew that once I stepped down, they would drive the 2 hrs back home and I would be left alone with my shy and insecure self in this big, foreign place called UC Davis with 20,000 strangers. Everything was new – the sights, the smells and the sounds. It was a new chapter of life with an abundance of fresh, blank pages.

Looking back, a lot of my significant and life-changing moments were of things not in my control. i.e. they kinda just happened to me. I may have chosen what school to go to (or rather defaulted to since I got rejected to the one I hoped to get into), but I didn’t choose to be locked out of my dorm room one evening, which caused me to cross paths with a girl on my dorm floor headed to a community gathering, which she invited me to. Meeting her and that group of people would end up totally transforming my life. How amazing it was that she would end up being one of my closest friends and someone I would have the privilege of being a bridesmaid in her wedding.

I never would have imagined myself living in the smallest state in the country. The idea never crossed my radar. But here I am.

And just as exciting and significant things have happened to me – I’m just as thankful that there were things that DIDN’T happen to me. Thank freaking goodness I didn’t get any of the first 6 jobs I applied to. Or PTL that the guy I liked my senior year did not like me back. The short-term dejection of not getting what I wanted is eclipsed by the fabulosity what I have now in the present.

I also realize it’s not so much about having cool things happen in your life. Sure, they’re enjoyable and it’s nice to ride that wave and take those opportunities, but I would say the one treasure I’ve discovered throughout these past 6 years is how good God really is and that I look forward everyday to spending time and learning from Him.

Things are changing so fast and the world definitely moves like mad. I no longer have trouble getting out of my parents’ car when I leave home and am in fact, eager to be on my own. I’m in a point in life where anything can happen, but in many ways I feel like a freshman – life feels new and exciting and there are so many blank pages waiting to be written on.

Alright, my 24th November – let’s see what you’ve got.



i stand dichotomized with feet straddled on both sides,

two or more voices from one mouth,

multiple minds from the same head,

conflicts of interest within one heart.

it’s the fight of what i want versus what i need,

i don’t have to feed what i crave,

but self-medication is just so easy.

i can go from white to black,

in 5 seconds flat.

i want to help the world,

i want to help myself.

i want to cut the chains of materialism and consumerism,

i want that really nice j.crew coat.

i want to show unconditional love to others,

i want to be loved and adored.

i want to reject the purposeless pursuit of comfort and success,

i want to enjoy life and have nice things.

i want humility and compassion,

i want recognition and praise.

i want to take time to pray and reflect,

i want to check facebook because i’m bored and want to be distracted.

i want to be strong and independent,

i am weak and unresolved, my strength is not enough

i want to be my own person,

i am not my own.

i don’t want to owe anybody anything,

i’ve been bought for a price I can’t pay back.

i want to have all the answers,

someone else has all the answers.

i want to figure things out on my own,

but really i am not fighting this alone.